24 November 2012
Time to make love
Letter to my Ex
COD (Call of Duty)
21 October 2012
Wanna get away?
Dance 4 me
15 October 2012
Hittin It!!!!!!!!!
30 September 2012
Letter to my future unborn son
Owwwww What A Man
Now What?
07 September 2012
In my mind I go back and forth with how things are going
Do i keep your feelings first and continue to torture myself because I want more from what we have. I basically let us be what we are because I'm scared that if I push for more things will change 4 the worse and you will back away fron me like you did before. I don't want to force you to do anything but baby I do need some reassuring. It's tough to go forward when you are going forward alone, I get nervous thinking about confronting you with my issue. Do you really have my back or is it just a phase. Am I important to you like you say I am or am I just your favorite game to play? Are my feelings for you disposal to you, worth keeping close to your heart? Do you want me to stay off potential alone but what if potential never develops huh? What if you walk away and I stay? Does that ever cross your mind? Do I ever cross your mind? Sweetie I need to know
... Either ... Or ...
19 August 2012
Touch Me
Reality Check
He Always Wins
29 June 2012
Oral ......... at its finest
07 June 2012
Welllllllllll Goood Morning
04 June 2012
02 June 2012
Eviction Notice
06 May 2012
I want you
09 April 2012
God forgive me, I don't mean to question you
Time for a change
The standard has been set for what I deserve to have in my life
Every piece of me has been ignited with passion and I feel like a woman again
Me accepting crap from a man is no longer existing
I've been treated like royalty and I refuse to go back to how I use to live
Gives me the urge to explore your body with my hands
And discover what makes you a man
Can I hold you real tight in my arms , I want you next to me but yet I want you on top of me
The smell of your cologne dances in my nose, your scent makes me lose control of my thoughts and do somethings to you with my imagination.
I can't help myself but can you blame me? You turn me on and I can't stand it when I can't have you. Boy this is not a game I will pounce on you. Let me wrap my body onto yours and you can have me because I am yours
He who hurt me
17 March 2012
Next to me
You want to be touched, feel like a woman again but then again you can't let him in nor get close to you
But this is what you are suppose to do
This is a law of nature, he is suppose to be attracted to you
You want things to get intense so you can have your way but if you do things might not go your way. Sex to soon could kill his interest or show you that he was only after one thing but you have desires too, so why not give in? Why not chose to have what you already been feeling nd touching on through his short. But the question is can he handle you the way you long 4? Is it a one night stand or is he on for the long haul? Can he last for hours or it b a minute man? When was the last time he tested because his dick ain't worth it. Mayb you should stop debating with yourself and speak your mind because you deserve to know what he is all about
14 March 2012
I have a couple poems I need to complete, they are pretty damn great too LOL alright alright I'm done for now =]
Just up doing some late night thinking. My body is restless and this is the perfect opportunity to free my mind, think in a higher mind state if that is what you wanna call it. Right now I am wondering about people in my life. I know you aren't suppose to question God's plan for your like and the things that develop around you but I just wonder when some of the people that are entering my life are going to become permanent fixtures in my life. I know that all people that enter your life aren't good to you or good for you but when do the people that are suppose to be in your life for the rest of your make themselves known? So me as the kind hearted person I am can know when to love them, to appreciate them, and not waste feelings on seasonal people. I got people that I've grown to love and been there for through the thick of things but yet they are useless to me and the direction I am going in with my life. I've wasted some much time, energy, and love on wasteful people. I have some much love that I want to give and ready to give but I am scared. I don't ever want to hurt ever again in the bases of so called love. I want love to feel great again not a pain
05 March 2012
I am done
Frustration and dissatisfaction will be the death of me
My heart is falling apart
The battle has won
04 March 2012
1:55 am Central Time
I'm ready to fall out off my clothes and touch you with my loins
Caress you with my pride and release my love from within
Can I have my way with you? Because the way I'm thinking, I don't need any restriction
This is not a dream nor a test so lock in and enjoy the ride
The passion is gonna blow your mind once you get inside
Embrace me, feel what I live
Open up to and show me what it is that you have to express
I know you have it in you, show me your best
Let me have what I need from you and I'll give you the rest
01 March 2012
Growing Up
I feel that this process is healthy for me, helping me cleanse myself of my personal demons and focus on the things I need and gather what my heart desires. I hadn't been this passionate about celebrating lent since I was a little girl at Saint James Major LOL
I'm still figuring some things out but I'm making am effort ya know! Job hunting, thinking about my future, expanding my horizons. My gma says the only reason I want to work is so I cam buy shoes nd dresses LOL Part of that is true but I am ready to have my own you know. Well at least work for, grind for it.
My lent plan I am on is pretty good, well pretty great. Has me thinking about alot in my life and what I need to correct and let God's plan for me work for me. Believe me being as head strong as I am, this is kicking my butt lol but I determined to make it! Easter here I come
23 February 2012
My heart is full
I just saw Act Of Valor .........
My heart was truthly touched
I am grateful that I will be lacing up my boots in a profession that I love and serving my country and protecting my family, loved ones, friends.
Shouted with moment of joy and cried in moments of pain
I can't wait to start my Army career, it is gonna be one hell of a ride!
13 February 2012
It is obvious to me that you are living your life freely
But can you be man enough to speak truthfully
There is a 2nd tooth brush in ur bathroom that's pink and long strands of hair all over ur sink
Pads nd lashes in your trash can and I know you cant go through a whole roll of toliet paper in a week
Feminite body wash and a body puff are in your shower and none of it's mine and I know you don't use them
Be honest about yours or atleast smarter
I know you have other female friends but damn let me think I'm the only 1
Don't give me that I'm looking for things that aren't there when those things found me in your bathroom nd I was just going to pee
Be sensitive to the fact I have feelings well at least the common courtesy.
And if I ask you a question about what I see then its a straight face lie of those things don't mean anything.
But can I ask you this, if you were me would you put up with this shit?
09 February 2012
Label me this
I must be a bitch because you feel that I am
Or because it makes you feel less of man when i challenge you
If I lay on my back nd let you have your way with me it's cool
But if I stand up for what I believe in then I'm rude
Being an assertive Black woman makes me a everything but a child of God
Imma a hoe imma slut imma blumpy face Bitch
But if i keep my mouth close nd go with the flow
Then maybe you will drop my title as a hoe
I let you use me, miss treat me, so called love me, nd leave me but I tell you to keep it moving you aren't having it.
You want your way with me but I can't have what i need from you,
Nd you think you can fix the wrongs you have done by calling me boo
Now you are mad at the fact I caught you in a lie
Nd i don't wanna keep our so called friendship alive
But your words cut deep nd my feelings are hurt because I belittled myself nd decreased my self worth
For a handsome smile nd slick words
But the truth is out nd your true colors have shown
That Imma Bitch by your definition
I'll be that if it means cutting all ties with you
Fuck keeping a Mister Wrong, I ain't no fool
11 January 2012
Just Mayb
I was always told I am to young for love and marriage cause I have yet to experience life
But what if being a wife to the man I love is life for me?
Mayb sharing my world with the man of my dreams is my dream
Can I honestly say settling down is what feels right to me
Giving my all to the man that loves me unconditionally
Knowing my flaws and all he still wants to be with me?
The one who laughs at my corny jokes as hard as I do
Who comforts me when the tribulations of life come knocking at my door
To want to spend the rest of my life being everything he ever desired and hoped for
To stand in front of God and let Him know that he is my 1
You can't tell age that it is to young to love because I know for a fact that it isn't
Because love knows no age limit
07 January 2012
Sorry Doesn't Cut It!
You chose to let me down everytime
Is it is so hard to make me smile
And not bullshit around with my feelings
Im tired of hearing the excuses
And your apologies are useless to me
Why can't you just do the right thing?
If you weren't gonna do right from the start
You shouldn't have introduced yourself to my heart
Why did you embrace my desires
If you knew u were gonna act like a coward
I can't believe I wanted you close to me foreal
Why bother with wiping away my tears
Look at what you have done to me
You messed me up internally
Yet you can sleep at night knowing you are hurting me
And you can let baby I'm sorry pass your lips
But ain't nothing sorry but yo ass nd you know it
Im tired of being let down by you
Why love a man that cant love you?